www.lynetteharper.ca dancetarab@gmail.com 250-797-7953
Multilevel/Intermediate & Advanced weekly class
6 Mondays March 3 – April 7 7:30-9 pm. Vibrant Dance Studio
Drop-ins welcome.
Sunday March afternoon workshops with Lynette
March 9 Turkish Style, Turkish Soul
March 23 Traditions and Fusions – Finding dance joy and inspiration
Delve into traditional and contemporary dances originating in the Middle East. Each workshop explores music, moves, stylings, and choreography that can stand alone, or be integrated with your own dance. Info/register dancetarab@gmail.com
At Vibrant Dance Studios, Nanaimo 1:30 – 3:30 pm
More info/register with Lynette dancetarab@gmail.com
Sunday Feb 23 Discover “Belly Dance” with Lynette
Learn the basics of diverse dances inspired by the Middle East – an introduction to the music, movements, traditions, and innovations that have made these dance forms popular around the world. 1:30-3:30 Vibrant Dance Studio #2. Advance registration $20, on the day $25
Pynksy Shell aka Tania Amaral
https://www.facebook.com/tania.amaral.1253/ pynksyshell@gmail.com
Afro Fusion Sharqi Danceᵀᴹ www.afro-fusionsharqidance.ca/services
Rhythms and Movements from Africa Friday classes starting Feb.7, Level 1 6:30 pm, Level 2 at 7:30 pm Vibrant Dance Studio #4.
ramona.passarello@gmail.com 250-616-3824 Available for private individual and private group lessons.
778-269-0922 Dance and Wellness classes
Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 Thursdays 7-8 Hungarian Cultural Centre.
We will explore the dancing styles of the Middle East, Turkey, India, Hawaii and more. Phone or text to register 778-269-0922
Deborah Bromley
deborahba@shaw.ca For experienced FCBD dancers – Monday nights 7:45-8:45pm at Vibe Studios
Other Island communities, listed alphabetically:
Cortes Island
Meinsje 250-895-1052
Courtenay/Comox/Cumberland/Denman Island/Union Bay
Bridget Salas bridgetsalasdance.com
Beginner Indian Fusion Tuesdays from 6-7 pm; Intermediate Indian fusion Tuesdays 7:15 – 8:45; Tala, dancing to Hindustani rhythms Monday 7:30 – 8:45; at The Abbey, Cumberland
Emily Johnston – Forbidden Dance Company
https://forbiddendancecompany.com 778-246-3639
Belly dance levels 1-4 Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm Cloud 9 studio, Courtenay
“So you think you can belly dance?” Levels 5+ 7:30-8:30pm
Cathy Stoyko Call or message (250)218-0704
Available for private classes on Denman Island or in Cumberland
Heather Hilberry 250-898-3123 (call or text) will be teaching on Hornby, Denman and in Union Bay
Linda Doerksen halima.dancer@gmail.com 250-703-0494 Contact regarding future classes in Courtenay.
Duncan/Cowichan Area
Karensa Camplair saidisistersstudio.godaddysites.com karensabellydance@gmail.com 250.715.7541
Classes available in studio and online: Belly Dance Basics, FCBDStyle® (Improvised Style), Sword, Fusion, and F.U.N. Belly Dance. At Sol Centre, 5380 Trans Canada Hwy, Duncan, BC
Lara https://www.facebook.com/lara.brunschot, or drop by her store Spinning Ninny at 310 Duncan St, Duncan
Classes for adults and children.
Kim Hammett raven_55@icloud.com 778-679-3082
Mix of Americanized and Fusion style bellydance at Bradley Community Centre, resuming in Spring/Summer 2025.
Qualicum Beach
Belly Laughs Navel Academy/Elaine De Rooy
https://www.facebook.com/BellyLaughsNavelAcademy bellylaughsnavelacademy@shaw.ca 250-752-3750
Contemporary fusion in-studio classes Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students.
Saltspring Island
Sarah Allen ssisarahlouise@gmail.com
Bashirah Middle Eastern Dance Studio, Victoria
https://www.raksbobbie.com/classes/winter-2025-class-list.html raksbobbie@shaw.ca
Extensive range of online and studio belly dance classes at Bashirah Middle Eastern Dance Studio, 137 Skinner St.Victoria
Candace Aldridge
A full fall schedule of live and online classes, featuring Bellydance for multiple levels, Yin Yoga, and more.
Caro Aisha Carof carisfranco@hotmail.com 250 884 0653
Private classes and group classes from beginners to advanced levels.
Mira – Asmira Dance
negmadance@gmail.com https://www.negmadance.com
Taiya Curle
Chakra Awakening Bellydance Fusion with Taiya
January 27th- March 24th 2025
At the Victoria Truth Centre 2815 Cedar Hill Road. Victoria BC
For details taiyacurle@gmail.com 250-361-5122