ReOrient present Ghawazee dance at the Duncan Showroom, 2019

The dance in these videos is an interpretation of an historical style of dance and costume common in Egypt in the late 1800’s and into the 20th Century. Our choreography is based on historic photos and travellers’ writings about the Ghawazee, and our studies with Aisha Ali, Banat Mazin troupe members, and others.  The Ghawazee continue to perform today, though with different costumes! Many Ghawazee, and in particular those we studied for this piece, are members of Domari and Nawar tribes – that is, Middle Eastern branches related to the “Romani” (peoples who have asked to no longer be called “Gypsies”).  Ghawazee has been translated as “Invaders of the Heart” – but the word has some negative connotations, as it represents Egyptian women who dance to entertain. 

We are members of the B.C. dance collective “Re-Orient”, and we hope our performance, and these videos, will broaden your perspectives on Arab and Turkish arts and societies.  Videos are by Eric Boucher. 

Vancouver Island Bellydance Showcase

Vancouver Island Bellydance Showcase

Saturday September 22, 2012 – Victoria-based OPA society celebrated the very best in our Island bellydance community!  Among the 6 mini-workshops, I taught a session on Turkish Roman dance.  I’ve listed some of my music resources and video inspirations in the Resources page “Turkish Roman workshop music and videos” Workshop Descriptions: 10am -‘Layering Drills for… Read more…

Global dance connections

Canada  Hadia, Canada  A performer, master instructor and choreographer, Hadia has achieved recognition and renown among her peers around the world. Om Laila  Roula Said, Toronto ON   Roula is an amazing multi-faceted artist who has dedicated her talents to Middle Eastern music and dance. One of Canada’s leading lights in the world of bellydance, Roula… Read more…

Penceresi yola karsi

Penceresi yola karsi

Her window faces the street”, presented in Belly for the Beast, Malaspina Theatre, Nanaimo BC. This structured improvisation explores the public and private feelings of a Turkish girl, set to the Turkish Roman music of Karsilama (with Selim Sesler & Brenda MacCrimmon). Read more…

Red Apple

Red Apple

Excerpt from Red Apple, presented in Errington, BC. This choreography was inspired by the resilience of Afghani village women.  The structured improvisation blends eastern and western traditions and contemporary dance styles to music by Ashkabad and Yuldiz Usmanova.   Read more…



“Light a cigarette and to hell with the world!” This choreography blends Roma dance improvisation with western contemporary dance and “gypsy” stereotypes. Inspired by the 3 Mustaphas 3 version of Anapse To Cigaro.   Read more…

Nanaimo dancers & teachers

Lynette  250-753-1659 Genya  250-739-0589 Ramona  250-616-3824 Giselle Jacob – Drum & percussion classes available  – see her Facebook page   Crimson Coast Dance Society  Artistic Director Holly Bright, Nanaimo, BC – Develops and supports contemporary dance creations, productions, performances and educational opportunities at both grass roots and professional levels in Central Vancouver Island. Read more…

Dance is in their blood

Dance is in their blood

  Gilded Serpent June 2007          by Kevin Potvin A reluctant visitor to a multicultural arts show comes away with a new appreciation for how art entwines with ordinary life for ordinary people. . . . (click here to read article) Excerpt: That doesn’t mean I don’t understand dance at all –… Read more…

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

  Excerpt from MIRAJ at Victoria’s 2003 Fringe Festival, a full-length dance theatre production created and performed with Earthfire Dance Collective. In this segment, the Queen of Wands (Lynette) loses her crown and other trappings of power to her cat (Taissia), and discovers an inner strength. Read more…

Arab Women Arab Dance

Arab Women Arab Dance

Arab Women Arab Dance Opening of Arab Women Arab Dance, presenting life histories with dance. Featuring Lynette, Rahma Haddad, Salma Ferchichi, Rabab Ward, and Emily Basha. Produced by Vancouver’s Dance Centre. Excerpt from a Vancouver Dance Centre production, interweaving life history narratives with demonstrations by five Arab women. Read more…

Ladysmith & Cowichan area dancers & teachers

Ladysmith Debra Shields (formerly Pinchbeck) – full weekly schedule at Cowichan Area Yesca “Elegant Power” Belly dance classes, Lake Cowichan 250 749 7759 Lynene Allen    250-746-1077 email  website Shakti Bellydance  Bellydance for fun and fitness, plus new classes for youngsters and teens. Register with Island Savings Centre, 250.748.7529 Read more…

Damask Rose Revue 2

Damask Rose Revue 2

A fantastic show featuring guest artist Tamlyn Dallal! I am thrilled to be invited to perform with some of Vancouver’s finest: Al a Nar, Aviva & Megan, Carla, Laura, Leona, Lisa, Lynette (that’s me), Maki & students, Michelle, nina d., Tamara, Tha Fae, The Phoenix Dancers, and the magical musings of Rakkab Saturday July 7,… Read more…

Interview with Lynette Harper

Interview with Lynette Harper

Sahda,  June 2007 By NILA  What attracted you to bellydance, and made you stick to it? Dance is life! Returning home from a Middle East journey in 1976, I discovered the bellydance craze had hit Vancouver – and knew I’d become part of it. Sometimes I wonder if I would have stuck to Middle Eastern… Read more…

Belly for the Beast 2011

Belly for the Beast 2011

October 1, 2011 – Bellydancers take over the stage at Nanaimo’s Port Theatre!  See fine local bellydance in a proper theatrical venue – while supporting the SPCA. A dynamite show showcasing traditional, folkloric to modern fusions, with touches of flamenco, Romany, contemporary dance – and live music adds depth to several pieces. Applause to Pacifica for creating… Read more…

Silk Road comes to Errington

I look forward to dancing with Silk Road and other Island bellydancers – SATURDAY APRIL 14 – with Cathy  StoyStoyko, Taissia, Taiya, Kalina, and Kirsten!  Silk Road and Friends at the Errington Hall Music and Dance from Spain, the Middle East, China and Beyond April 14, 2011     8pm Tickets $20      Under 12… Read more…

Miraj was a sensory treat

Miraj was a sensory treat

  16 April 2003  Daily News, Nanaimo  –  Review by Lynn Welburn  Miraj (an Arabic word meaning ascent, the journey upwards) was the perfect title for the April 11 performance by Earthfire dance at the Malaspina University College theatre.  But mirage, commonly used to describe something you think is real and which then vanishes, leaving… Read more…

Shaking things up

Shaking things up

  14 November 1998  Harbour City Star, Nanaimo   By Goody Niosi The Spice Girls may have Girl Power, but Nanaimo’s own Earthfire has Woman Power; a force that’s gathering enthusiastic fans wherever they perform. Earthfire is a troupe of women who dance together with joy, energy and exuberance. And although they perform folk dances from… Read more…

Northern Spirit: Lynette Harper Curator (and Belly Dancer)

Northern Spirit: Lynette Harper Curator (and Belly Dancer)

  May/June 1988  Up Here Magazine    by Juliet Pin Imagine the combo of belly dancing and museum work! Lynette Harper has found the link. Born in Vancouver of Lebanese parents, belly dancing just seemed to come naturally. Her list of dance performances is impressive. From the Vancouver Sea Festival and Robson Square  Plaza to… Read more…