(A nostalgic photo – Duncan Garage 2007)
*** See also the Vancouver Island Belly Dancers Fb page for other notices of classes and events. https://www.facebook.com/groups/16858407337
Saturday February 17 Nada El Masriya is coming to Nanaimo!
Saturday, Feb 17th, 2024, from 9:30 AM – 5:10 PM
German Cultural Centre, 71 Caledonia Ave., Nanaimo
4 workshops for $120 or $35 each. Workshop series on Egyptian dances and their histories – from Baladi, to Awalim & Ghawazee, to the Golden Era and of course one Lecture Workshop.
Registration at https://crimsoncoastdance.com/ will soon be available, though not at the moment of this e-mailing. Check the website in the coming weeks!
Part of AFRICAN CONNECTIONS – CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH, curated with Tania Amaral and presented as part of Crimson Coast Dance Society.
Spring events to look forward to
Saturday June 8
Dancers’ Bazaar Returns! St. Andrews United Church, Nanaimo
It’s time to revive this popular once-annual event to celebrate our Island dance community! A great opportunity to meet up with fellow dancers, meet teachers and students, while shopping for colourful costumes and accessories, attending mini-workshops, and watching short performances. As before, it will be a fundraiser for an Island non-profit supporting women affected by abuse. Further updates and requests for volunteers, vendors, and performers will be posted in the Vancouver Island Belly Dancers Fb group in early spring: https://www.facebook.com/groups/16858407337
If you’d like to assist in preparations for the event and haven’t already volunteered, please email Lynette before February at dancetarab@gmail.com
Vancouver Island Dance Teachers
www.lynetteharper.ca dancetarab@gmail.com 250-797-7953
Mondays Feb.26 through March
7 pm Beginners’ “Belly dance” Essentials class 5 Mondays starting Feb.26
7:45 pm Renew/ReBoot for multilevel students and Intermediate/Advanced dancers, 4 Mondays through March. Energize your body and unleash your creativity while reconnecting with the eloquent music and dance of Turkey, Lebanon, and Egypt. Traditional and contemporary folkloric, baladi, and Oryantal styles.
Pynksy Shell aka Tania Amaral
www.afro-fusionsharqidance.com/classes pynksyshell@gmail.com 778-674-0091
Classes in Afro Fusion Sharqi Danceᵀᴹ & Egyptian Baladi / Adults & Seniors / Group & Private classes.
ramona.passarello@gmail.com 250-616-3824 Available for private individual and private group lessons.
778-269-0922 Goddess Dance classes include Bellydance (Egyptian style folk and cabaret), Indian Temple (Bollywood/Bangara), and Hawaiian (Hula).
Other Island communities, listed alphabetically:
Cortes Island
Meinsje 250-895-1052
Courtenay/Comox/Cumberland/Denman Island/Union Bay
Cathy Stoyko
Info/registration, call or message (250)218-0704 at the Abbey Studio in Cumberland.
Tuesdays “Shimmy, Shake and Groove Dance Workout”.
“Belly dance for beginners” will start in March
Emily Johnston – Forbidden Dance Company
https://forbiddendancecompany.com 778-246-3639
Classes Tuesdays 7-9, Fridays 6:30-7:30(performance troupe) at The House of Now, Courtenay. Raqs sharqi, classic Egyptian, Lebanese, Arabic sword, Isis wings, hand candles & performance troupe.
Heather Hilberry 250-888-3123 call or text
Linda Doerksen halima.dancer@gmail.com 250-703-0494 Contact regarding future classes in Courtenay.
Duncan/Cowichan Area
Karensa Camplair saidisistersstudio.com karensabellydance@gmail.com 250.715.7541 Facebook.com/SaidiSisters
Classes available in studio and online: Belly Dance Basics, FCBDStyle® (Improvised Style), Sword, Fusion, and F.U.N. Belly Dance.
At Sol Centre, 5380 Trans Canada Hwy, Duncan, BC
Qualicum Beach
Belly Laughs Navel Academy/Elaine De Rooy
https://www.facebook.com/BellyLaughsNavelAcademy bellylaughsnavelacademy@shaw.ca 250-752-3750
Contemporary fusion in-studio classes Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students.
Saltspring Island
Sarah Allen ssisarahlouise@gmail.com
Bashirah Middle Eastern Dance Studio, Victoria
https://www.raksbobbie.com/classes/winter-2021-class-list.html raksbobbie@shaw.ca Extensive range of online and studio belly dance classes at Bashirah Middle Eastern Dance Studio, 137 Skinner St.
Candace Aldridge
https://harmonybellydance.com A full fall schedule of live and online classes, featuring Bellydance for multiple levels, Yin Yoga, and more.
Mira – Asmira Dance
negmadance@gmail.com https://www.negmadance.com Mixed levels belly dance classes, at Bashira Middle Eastern Dance Studio, 137 Skinner St.