OPA Showcase Lecture/seminar, Victoria BC – presented by Lynette Harper Ph.D. November 2013
References – Books (*specific articles cited)
Belly dance around the world: New communities, performance and identity. 2013. Caitlin E. McDonald & Barbara Sellers-Young, editors. Jefferson NC: McFarland & Company.
* What is Baladi about al-Raqs al-Baladi? On the survival of belly dance in Egypt, Noha Roushdy.
* Performing identity/diasporic encounters, Lynette Harper
* 1970s Belly dance and the “How-To” phenomenon: Feminism, fitness and Orientalism, Virginia Keft-Kennedy
* Local performance/global connection: American Tribal Style and its imagined community, Teresa Cutler-Broyles
* Quintessentially English belly dance: In search of an English tradition, Siouxsie Cooper
Belly dance: Orientalism, transnationalism & harem fantasy. 2005. Anthony Shay & Barbara Sellers-Young, editors. Costa Mesa CA: Mazda Publishers.
* Introduction, Anthony Shay & Barbara Sellers-Young
* Belly dance: An urban folk genre, Najwa Adra
* Body, image, identity: American Tribal Belly dance, Barbara Sellers-Young
* Spirit from the body: Belly dance as a spiritual practice, Donnalee Dox
Belly Dance Reader. 2012. Editors of the Gilded Serpent. Fairfax CA: Gilded Serpent.
* Belly dance & contemporary dance studies, Barbara Sellers-Young
* Orientalism: Zumarrad’s completely non-scholarly quick and dirty guide, Brigid Kelly
* “Harem Girls,” dance in historical harems, early 1700’s – early 1900’s, the perpetual masquerade, Andrea Deagon
Dancing fear & desire: Race, sexuality, & imperial politics in Middle Eastern Dance. 2004. Stavros Stavrou Karayanni. Waterloo ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Gypsies and the problem of identities. 2002. Adrian Marsh & Elin Strand, editors. Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Transactions vol.17.
* Introduction, Elin Strand & Adrian Marsh
* On Romany origins and identity – questions for discussion, Ian Hancock
* The current situation of the Dom in Jordan, Allen Williams
Looking for Little Egypt. 1994. Donna Carlton. Bloomington IN: IDD Books
Orientalism (25th Anniversary Edition). 1994. Edward Said. New York: Vintage Books.
Scheherezade goes West: Different cultures, different harems. 2001. Fatema Mernissi. New York: Washington Square Press.
Serpent of the Nile: Women and dance in the Arab world. 1989. New York: Interlink books.
Visibly Muslim: Fashion, politics, faith. 2010. Emma Tarlo. Oxford: Berg.
We are the Romani people. 2002. Ian Hancock. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press.
You asked Aunt Rocky: Answers & advice about Raqs Sharqi & Raqs Shaabi. 2011. Morocco (C.Varga Dinicu). Virginia Beach VA: RDI Publications.
References cited – journal & internet articles
Dancing around Orientalism. 2006. Donnalee Dox. TDR/The Drama Review, Vol.50 no.4 (Winter 2006), pp.52-71.
Feminism and belly dance. Andrea Deagon. http://people.uncw.edu/deagona/raqs/feminism.htm (downloaded 18 Nov.2013)
In search of the origins of the dance. Andrea Deagon. http://people.uncw.edu/deagona/raqs/origins.htm (downloaded 18 Nov.2013)
Naked belly dance in Egypt? Part 1: Are they really belly dancing? 2009. Andrea Deagon. The Gilded Serpent, http://www.gildedserpent.com/cms/2009/10/19/deagonnakedbdpart1/ (downloaded 18 Nov.2013)
Oriental dance: Myth and reality, the harem slaves. 2002. Jalilah Lorraine Chamas. The Gilded Serpent, http://www.gildedserpent.com/articles20/jalilahharamslaves.htm (downloaded 18 Nov.2013)